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Ready to work Work with Watson? IBM Watson Group Recruiting Event
Jerome Pesenti (PhD), VP Core Technologies
, IBM - Watson Research Center
Date: Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Note: all times are in the Eastern Time Zone
Refreshments: 4:45 PM
Public: Yes
Location: Star Conference Room 32-D463
Event Type:
Room Description:
Host: CSAIL Alliance Program (CAP)
Contact: Sonya Kovacic, 617-258-9709, skovacic@csail.mit.edu
Relevant URL: www.ibm.com/watsonjobs
Speaker URL: None
Speaker Photo:
Reminders to:
seminars@csail.mit.edu, csail-related@lists.csail.mit.edu
Reminder Subject:
TALK: Ready to Work with Watson? IBM Watson Group Recruiting Event
Join senior executives from IBM Watson Group to learn about the career opportunities in machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence and engineering.
Hear about the vision and focus of Watson Group and the types of life-impacting projects Watson engineers are working on such as helping find the cure for cancer.
You'll agree this is way better than working on optimizing ads, news feeds from friends or building recommendation engines.
And Watson Group is hiring! There are dozens of full-time openings at all levels - from bachelors to PhDs - as well as internships.
This is a great opportunity to have a one-on-one talk with several hiring managers attending the session.
Session Agenda
04:45p-05:00 Registration/Refreshments
05:00p - 05:30p Watson Group Overview + Q&A - Jerome Pesenti (PhD), VP Core Technologies, IBM Watson Group
05:30p - 05:45p Working @ Watson - Hear from a Recently Hired Watson Group Team Member
05:45p - 07:00: Share resumes, learn about specific job openings and meet with hiring managers and Watson execs
Research Areas:
Impact Areas:
Created by Sonya Kovacic at Friday, March 28, 2014 at 3:03 PM.