Omer Paneth: On Obfuscation with Random Oracles

Speaker: Omer Paneth

Date: Friday, April 10, 2015

Time: 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Note: all times are in the Eastern Time Zone

Public: Yes

Location: G575

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Host: Vinod Vaikuntanathan

Contact: Deborah Lehto, 617.324.7303,

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Reminder Subject: TALK: Omer Paneth: On Obfuscation with Random Oracles

Assuming trapdoor permutations, we show that there exist function families that cannot be VBB-obfuscated even if both the obfuscator and the obfuscated program have access to a random oracle. Specifically, these families are the robust unobfuscatable families of [Bitansky-Paneth, STOC 13].

Our result stands in contrast to the general VBB obfuscation algorithms in more structured idealized models where the oracle preserves certain algebraic homomorphisms [Canetti-Vaikuntanathan, ePrint 13; Brakerski-Rothblum, TCC 14; Barak et al., Eurocrypt 14].

Joint work with Ran Canetti and Yael Kalai.

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See other events that are part of the Cryptography and Information Security (CIS) Seminar Series 2015.

Created by Deborah Goodwin Email at Monday, March 30, 2015 at 9:33 AM.