Aaron Roth: Quantifying Tradeoffs Between Fairness and Accuracy in Online Learning

Speaker: Aaron Roth, University of Pennsylvania

Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Note: all times are in the Eastern Time Zone

Refreshments: 3:45 PM

Public: Yes

Location: G575

Event Type:

Room Description:

Host: Vinod Vaikuntanathan

Contact: Deborah Goodwin, 617.324.7303, dlehto@csail.mit.edu

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Speaker URL: None

Speaker Photo:

Reminders to: seminars@csail.mit.edu, theory-seminars@csail.mit.edu

Reminder Subject: TALK: Aaron Roth: Quantifying Tradeoffs Between Fairness and Accuracy in Online Learning


In this talk, I will discuss our recent efforts to formalize a particular notion of “fairness” in online decision making problems, and study its costs on the achievable learning rate of the algorithm. Our focus for most of the talk will be on the “contextual bandit” problem, which models the following scenario. Every day, applicants from different populations submit loan applications to a lender, who must select a subset of them to give loans to. Each population has a (potentially different) mapping from applications to credit-worthiness that is initially unknown to the lender. The fairness constraint we impose roughly translates to: “Less credit worthy individuals should never be preferentially favored over more credit worthy individuals, regardless of group membership”. Despite the fact that this constraint seems consistent with the profit motivation of the bank, we show that imposing a fairness constraint provably slows down learning --- sometimes only mildly, but sometimes substantially, depending on the structure of the problem. Time permitting, we will mention recent extensions to the reinforcement learning setting in which the actions of the learner can affect its environment, and to economic settings in which the learner must be incentivized by a principal to act fairly.

Joint Work with Matthew Joseph, Michael Kearns, Jamie Morgenstern, and Seth Neel

Research Areas:

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See other events that are part of the Theory of Computation (TOC) 2017.

Created by Deborah Goodwin Email at Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 1:31 PM.