Where the Policies Diverge: Canadian and U.S. Telecom Policy in a Precarious Era

Speaker: Jean Pierre Blais , Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Date: Monday, April 24, 2017

Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Note: all times are in the Eastern Time Zone

Public: Yes

Location: Kiva/Patil 32-G449

Event Type:

Room Description:

Host: Internet Policy Research Initiative, MIT CSAIL

Contact: Melanie Robinson, 617-253-0856, melrob@csail.mit.edu

Relevant URL: https://internetpolicy.mit.edu/

Speaker URL: None

Speaker Photo:

Reminders to: csail-announce@lists.csail.mit.edu

Reminder Subject: TALK: Where the Policies Diverge: Canadian and U.S. Telecom Policy in a Precarious Era (April 24)

Jean Pierre Blais is approaching the end of his 5-year term as chairman of the CRTC. He is known as a champion of the public voice, as an inclusive policy maker, and promoter of competition to support a robust digital economy in Canada.

MITÂ’s Internet Policy Research Initiative (IPRI) and Communications Futures Program (CFP) are delighted to host Jean Pierre Blais for a conversation with Internet pioneer and MIT Senior Research Scientist David Clark about the past, present, and future of Canadian telecom policy and its relationship with the U.S. What can we, as neighbors, learn from each other? What are our common goals? Where do we diverge and where must we cooperate?

For more information or to live stream the talk, visit: https://internetpolicy.mit.edu

Research Areas:

Impact Areas:

This event is not part of a series.

Created by Melanie Robinson Email at Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 11:25 AM.