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User-Level Differential Privacy With Few Examples Per User
Pasin Manurangsi
, Google Research
Date: Monday, September 25, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Note: all times are in the Eastern Time Zone
Public: Yes
Location: 32-G449
Event Type: Seminar
Room Description: 32-G449
Host: Noah Golowich, MIT
Contact: Noah Golowich, nzg@csail.mit.edu
Relevant URL:
Speaker URL: https://pasin30055.github.io/
Speaker Photo:
Reminders to:
theory-seminars@csail.mit.edu, seminars@csail.mit.edu
Reminder Subject:
TALK: Pasin Manurangsi: User-Level Differential Privacy With Few Examples Per User
Abstract: Previous work on user-level differential privacy (DP) [Ghazi et al., NeurIPS 2021; Bun et al., STOC 2023] obtained generic algorithms that work for various learning tasks. However, their focus was on the example-rich regime, where the users have so many examples that each user could themselves solve the problem. In this work we consider the example-scarce regime, where each user has only a few examples, and obtain the following results:
For approximate-DP, we give a generic transformation of any item-level DP algorithm to a user-level DP algorithm. Roughly speaking, the latter gives a (multiplicative) savings of O_{ε,δ}(√m) in terms of the number of users required for achieving the same utility, where m is the number of examples per user. This algorithm, while recovering most known bounds for specific problems, also gives new bounds, e.g., for PAC learning.
For pure-DP, we present a simple technique for adapting the exponential mechanism [McSherry & Talwar, FOCS 2007] to the user-level setting. This gives new bounds for a variety of tasks, such as private PAC learning, hypothesis selection, and distribution learning. For some of these problems, we show that our bounds are near-optimal.
Research Areas:
Algorithms & Theory, AI & Machine Learning
Impact Areas:
Big Data
Created by Noah Golowich at Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:23 PM.