15+ Years in the Making - When will the Digital Mental Health Revolution Deliver on its Promise?

Speaker: Tanzeem Choudhury , Cornell Tech

Date: Thursday, November 02, 2023

Time: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM Note: all times are in the Eastern Time Zone

Public: Yes

Location: G449 (Patel/Kiva)

Event Type: Seminar

Room Description:

Host: Marzyeh Ghassemi , IMES, CSAIL, EECS

Contact: Sheila Sharbetian, 617-324-6747, sheilash@csail.mit.edu

Relevant URL:

Speaker URL: None

Speaker Photo:

Reminders to: seminars@csail.mit.edu

Reminder Subject: TALK: 15+ Years in the Making - When will the Digital Mental Health Revolution Deliver on its Promise?

The power of sensors, algorithms, and AI was supposed to fix much that is wrong with mental healthcare: poor measurements, robust tracking of response to treatments, and timely delivery of personalized interventions. Yet much of mental health care and care delivery today remains the same without leveraging the advances made by technology. In this talk, I will reflect on the progress, the gaps, and thoughts on making Digital Mental Health a success story.

Tanzeem Choudhury is a Professor of Computing and Information Sciences at Cornell Tech where she holds the Roger and Joelle Burnell Chair in Integrated Health and Technology. From 2021-2023, she served as the Senior Vice President of Digital Health at Optum Labs and is a co-founder of HealthRhythms Inc, a company whose mission is to add the layer of behavioral health into all of healthcare. At Cornell, she directs the People-Aware Computing group, which focuses on innovating the future of technology-assisted well-being. Tanzeem received her PhD from the Media Laboratory at MIT and her undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Rochester. She has been awarded the MIT Technology Review TR35 award, NSF CAREER award, TED Fellowship, Kavli Fellowship, ACM Fellow, Ubicomp 10yr Impact Award (2016, 2022), and has been elected as an ACM Fellow and inducted into the ACM SIGCHI Academy.

Research Areas:
AI & Machine Learning

Impact Areas:
Health Care

See other events that are part of the Machine Learning and Health Seminar Series, Fall 2023.

Created by Sheila Sharbetian Email at Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 11:35 AM.